Bruxelles Est Volley Club

Photos, website and management of social networks

Search engine optimisation, UI Design, Web design
Mockup des écrans du Bruxelles Est Volley Club - version mobile

Redesign of the existing website

A voluntary website for my volleyball club in Auderghem.

All we needed was a new medium that was easy to use for adding/modifying content. So I developed the website on WordPress with the help of Elementor Pro.

Since September, I've also been in charge of social networking and taking photos of the meetings.

and scroll down to find out all about the project!



As the old website was very out of date, I was able to take the raw information and rework it in terms of architecture and form, as well as updating the information.



I created the website directly in WordPress. After validation, the first page was used as a template for the entire website.



To accompany the texts, I spent several weekends taking photos of the different teams. This allowed me to add a lot of visuals and produce enough images for the social networks and the website.


Search Engine Optimisation

I had to check the entire hierarchy, describe all the photos, connect the traffic management tools and enrich the texts with semantic content.



As a member of the Communications Committee, I'm responsible for producing posters, posts and stories for events, news and other information for club members and others.



I'm also involved in organising volleyball tournaments (the Santa Christmas tournament in December), selling pralines and being in charge of cocktails at our more festive events!

Tablette avec le site web de BEVC, club de volleyball bruxellois

Concluding comments

Voluntary work that I enjoy doing

I enjoy giving my club and its members the time I can to improve their communication and strategy.

The purpose is to bring new members, both international and young, to the club to help this sport, which receives far too little media coverage and attention, become better known and survive. 

The freedom and trust I'm given allows me to try out things and methods that I wouldn't dare to do on a client assignment, including photography, where I'm slowly making progress, and enjoying it.